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Common Pregnancy Concerns

Common Pregnancy Concerns

Your body changes a lot at this time, and if you are unaware of what to expect, you may be subject to unnecessary worry.

If you don't know what to expect during pregnancy, you may be in for quite a few sleepless nights, as you wonder whether what you're going through is normal. Here's when you need to call the doctor, and when you don't.


Women often get worried when confronted with slight sharp stabs of pain in the stomach. If the pain is severe, you should call your doctor, but if it is slight, there is nothing to worry about. Your uterus is growing, and it is applying pressure on the other organs of the body, due to which you experience some pain and discomfort. These are just growing pains.


Women often get alarmed at the first sign of spotting. Spotting, if not accompanied by pain, is not a cause for panic. It often signals a greater need for rest, and your doctor may suggest bedrest for a few days. It is also not uncommon for a woman to spot during the time she would be expecting her period. Although most women don't get their period during pregnancy, some women experience light bleeding throughout their pregnancy, on the dates they would be expecting their period. Don't worry too much about spotting that is not accompanied by strong pain, but do make it a point to let your doctor know. Also, bleeding or spotting during the first month is very common. Many women don't even realise that they are pregnant as they think they have had their period.


Iron levels often fall during pregnancy. Be regular with your iron supplements, and eat foods rich in iron like beans, potatoes with skin, chicken, whole grains, enriched breakfast cereals and lentils. Don't take iron supplements immediately after spinach, sweet potatoes, wheat or soy products, since these inhibit iron absorption. If you take chapattis with every meal, you could consider taking your supplement a couple of hours later, along with an orange and a glass of juice. This will ensure maximum iron absorption.


Thyroid medication is completely safe during pregnancy. If you have thyroid problems, let your doctor know so she can monitor your levels through your pregnancy.

Leg Cramps

You may wake up one morning, stretch, and suddenly experience unbearable pain shooting through a leg. The intense pain lasts for just a minute, but your legs may continue to feel slight pain for the next couple of days. Leg cramps are If you have been experiencing leg cramps, here's an easy exercise to make sure they stay at bay. Stand a couple of feet away from a wall. Place your palms on the wall and lean forward, bending your elbows. Don't bend your knees. Feel the stretch in your calves. Hold this position to the count of ten and let go. Do this five to ten times a day.

Blood Pressure

Many women experience elevated blood pressure at this time. If you have been thinking of investing in a blood pressure machine, now may be a good time to do so! In any case, your doctor should take your blood pressure every visit. If your blood pressure is on the upper limit, around 130/90, cut down on salt before your level goes up. There aren't many symptoms, although blurry vision is one of them. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience vision problems.

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Veronica.12 years ago
Pranali i think you should avoid driving scooter in seventh month...N must say the aricle was really gud n informative..its gud sites like this n babeezworld keep us updated with all the info on these topics :)
Radhika.14 years ago
my blood pressure range 130/100 is there chances of getting pregnant difficult .please suggest. what precaution should i take for becoming pregnant.
sonia.14 years ago
i have eight month pregnency but still my breast size was normal but secretion was heavy .i m bearing heavy pain in my breast even i have one lumpin my leaft breast.please sugest what precaution should i takeor my breast is ready for feeding or not
suj.14 years ago
i am 6th month pregnant,my heart beat(palpitation) is increasing intermittently.and i am feeling vigorous movements of the baby.sometimes my heart beat increases with the baby movements. is this common in pregnancy? pls help me regarding this.
val.14 years ago
did you ever find out if the your rapid heartrate and vigorouse movements of the baby was normal? i feel that sometimes too.
priya.14 years ago
now i am six month pregnant, i have severe throat infection(cough) suggest any remedy to cure it
pranali.14 years ago
i am 7 month pregnant can i drive scooty for 4k.m everyday?
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