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You are here : home > Manners and Discipline > Manners > Top 10 Public Place Manners Every Child Must Know

Top 10 Public Place Manners Every Child Must Know

Top 10 Public Place Manners Every Child Must Know
Children are expected to have an understanding of how to behave and stay polite in a public place. This becomes direct responsibility of parents to train and prepare them likewise. Read on to learn about the top 10 public place manners you must teach your child.
Elegant parents should teach their children good manners so that they get trained to become perfect ladies and gentlemen. Children get out of control often when they are in public and the reason could be anything from buying a toy to do whatever they want. They get their way and throw tantrums, shout, scream or even lie on the floor, which obviously results in a big scene.
Instead of losing your temper, you should train your children to behave properly when they are in public. Just keep in mind that manners are always taught and practiced. Maybe sometimes you will have to remind your child about one or two, but things will always be under control. You can also revise the rules and etiquettes each time you go out with your child.

10 Public Place Manners Kids Must Know

Here are 10 public place manners which you must inculcate in your children to avoid embarrassment in public.

1. Behave with Courtesy

Children should be taught to greet people they know and when meet them in public. There should always be a polite and courteous manner to address people meeting in public places.

2. Communicate in the Right Way

If you meet someone in public who talks to your child, he or she should respond to the question properly and reply politely. Teach him or her to have proper eye contact with the person he or she is talking to.

3. Should Not Point at Any Person or Thing

If children see someone they want to show you, they should have your attention first and then without pointing out to the person or thing, convey their message.

4. Make Use of Wastebasket When Necessary

Nowadays, you will find a dustbin no matter where you go. Teach your children to throw the garbage in the dustbin even if they have to look for one. Kids should be aware of keeping their surroundings clean.

5. Understand the Importance of Moving in Turn

It is difficult for children to have patience but they should be taught to wait for their turn especially when they are in public.

6. Respect Other’s Stuff

Children should be taught to have respect for other people’s property. In fact, they should treat it more carefully than their own. Your children should not touch things that are not theirs and keep hands to themselves especially in a super market.

7. Use Proper Etiquettes

Teach your children to say “excuse me” if they collide with someone or “I am sorry” if they have to pass that person to reach somewhere else.

8. Should Not Disturb Others

During public performances, kids should not disturb others either by getting irritated or by putting feet on the seat. They should also talk softly during the show or wait for the intermission.

9. Should Be Near You

When going out children should be trained to be by your side and not to wonder about on their own. There is a chance of getting lost. Also teach them that if this happens, they should go to “may I help you” desk and say their name and your name clearly so that it is announced in the mall.

10. Sit Properly and Quietly

When visiting someone’s house, your children should sit quietly and follow instructions that are given to them. They should also pass no negative comments there.
Do not expect a complete transition overnight. If your children are not very young, you might have to repeatedly remind them about how to behave in public. Kids follow what they see their parents do. So, make sure you practice the etiquettes properly.

Which basic manners should be taught to children at an early age? How to inculcate right public place manners in children? What to do if children misbehave in public? Discuss here.

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Sneha.7 years ago
Children who are disciplined properly at home do not misbehave in the public place. So, right discipline should be encouraged at home itself.
Ishika.7 years ago
I agree with you sneha, discipline should be practiced at home first so that children behave properly when they are outside. It is also important to make them aware of the rules before taking them on outings.
Barkha.7 years ago
It becomes very awkward for parents if children misbehave in public. Therefore, it is essential to make children aware of the rules and manners that they should follow before leaving to some place or visiting someone.
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